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Welcome to Best of Summit 2012!
Best of Summit 2012 How does it work?
Vote for your one favorite in each category from the drop-down menus. If you have never participated in a past online voting or contest you must register first. Click on the "registration" tab above, fill out the form and follow the confirmation link which will be sent to your email (please be sure to check your spam or junk mail box if you do not receive it right away). Once you have completed the registration, click the "vote" tab and start voting for your favorites.

There are five sections; Best of Outdoors, Best of Entertainment, Best of Service, Best of Business and finally Best of Food & Drink. You will have to complete all of the sections in one sitting, you CANNOT save it and finish later. Enjoy!

Can I still play if the contest has already started?
Yes. As long as it is still within the voting period.

All times are in Mountain Standard Time.            Completed            Current           Future   
Voting Period
Fri, Jun 29 2012 1:15 PM -
Sun, Jul 29 2012 1:15 PM
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Best of Summit 2012

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